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Monday, May 31, 2010

Your Doctors Solutions to Skin Problems


Your dermatologist or plastic surgeon will definitely know how to deal with skin problems. 

Their goal would be to eliminate the common culprits. First, they will always say that you should never use anything heavy or greasy on your face. You wonder why it’s gotten worse when at home, you’re actually using pure vitamin E oil. Then, they’ll also require that you go through some detective work. Some of these components may actually be hormonal or genetic in nature. Stress, insomnia, treatments, and some medicines can all knock your hormones out of whack and cause you to look beyond your actual age. When these experts want to get to the bottom of things, they’ll ask you to go through a test.

Before they work on your skin, they’ll apply an antibacterial agent all over your face. 

They will treat the entire zone and add prescription-strength ointments. If you’re scared about putting something on your sensitive skin, then leave it up to the doctor to do it for you. That way, you know that someone with the right knowledge is working on you. If irritation occurs, they will opt for soothing treatments that restore the skin’s barrier.

Laser treatments seem to have become more and more popular these days. 

They are pricey, but they do kill unwanted bacteria and can put your oil glands to sleep for as long as six months. People go crazy for this and you have to think of it as an investment. Most of the time, there’s no pain, no recuperation, and after one visit, you see your skin clearing up for months at a time. Yes, it is a lot to pay for clear skin, but you really do get to see a dramatic difference. And after that, you can go on with your activities with no insecurities. The maintenance falls on your shoulders. You need to live more responsibly or you will be required to visit the doctor once again real soon.

Another famous form of treatment is also what people call a facial peel or wrinkle reducer you should do this with natural ingredients used in products such as EnzoFX3 or EnzoFX with enzogenol. This helps you put an end to fine lines and wrinkles.  Simultaneously, you also get to rule out the after effects of growing old. This fills up your gaunt-looking face. As you age, you lose the baby fat, and you get thinner and paler once you’ve past the age of 40. Your doctor helps you attain glowing skin by filling up the hollowed corners and adding some color to your skin.

No matter what procedure you choose, post care is just as crucial. 

You need to slather on medication and stay out of the sun as much as possible. The UVA rays are your skin’s enemy, and as fun as it is to lie under the heat of the sun, you pay the price for it in the end. Ask your doctor what is best for you and make sure that you follow the strict instructions.

While you can never stop the clock from ticking, you can definitely slow down the effects of time on your face with basic skin care.

Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

When Liposuctions Become Risky


Beauty and glamour seem to be synonymous with cosmetic surgeries. 

Women feel as if they get back their self-confidence once they work on the things they’re not happy about. Hollywood plays a big role when it comes to belief. A countless amount of celebrities have undergone slight and even drastic changes just so they meet the criteria for beauty. Of course, you also hear about the botched procedures that many have experienced.  Instead of looking better, they now suffer the ill-effects of careless surgeries and getting the services of unskilled surgeons. As the number of patients surge, it is now imperative to talk about the risks of liposuction.

As with any procedure, there are dangers attached to it. 

Both men and women go under the knife thinking that they’ll look better. There are many experts out there that make claims of being capable of doing such a tough job. Some of them really do have the skill, but others are just out there to make money. They don’t even have the proper papers to back them up, but still, many seek out their services for the cheaper cost.

There are several things you need to take into consideration before you even give that go signal. When the liposuction procedure is cheaper than the norm, you need to see this as a red signal. Most of the time, it’s because these people aren’t trained properly. You may have spent less, but the scars you’ll carry could affect your self-esteem. If you’re lucky, you can get corrective surgery done, but that will definitely cost you more. In the end, you should have spent more on a trained expert and saved thousands of dollars in the long run.

While liposuction works on toning certain areas, you need to make sure when to have enough of it. 

In other words, you shouldn’t become too greedy. A healthy lifestyle is still the best answer, and the liposuction is only there to augment what you’ve already worked so hard for. There are still parts in your body that remain stubborn despite all the work you do for it, and you simply need some extra assistance so you attain that balance you desire. And as soon as you’ve gotten through with the procedure, you need to reach a resolution that allows you to maintain or improve your current figure.

Without the proper instruments, your skin could look lumpy and uneven, and this makes the affected area unsightly. 

And when done haphazardly, the pain and discomfort could take so much from you. Of course there will be some tenderness right after surgery, but if you still feel something even after several weeks, then it’s time that you pay a visit to your doctor. Your skin might also be slightly itchy, and to take of yourself, it’s best that you stay indoors. Most importantly, your doctor needs to make sure that you won’t have an allergic reaction to the anesthesia. You’ll have to go through a series of physical and psychological tests to ensure your wellbeing in the long run. When done properly, the liposuction could be the best decision you’ve ever made.

With this, it’s best that you set aside more money and come out of the experience feeling better than ever.


Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.





Monday, May 24, 2010

Making Facelifts Look Natural


Facelifts can be tricky. 

Some women become addicted to it and they end up looking like wax figures. That’s one thing you need to avoid because the goal should be to look good without looking like you’ve worked hard for it.

Right now, it is imperative that you understand just exactly what is involved. 

You need to understand your face and what you can expect in the end. The results will vary, of course, because the anatomy will differ from one person to the next. What are your goals? What do you expect from it? Are you ready for the recuperation period? You need to ask yourself these questions so you can work in collaboration with your doctor and get what you want in the end. Of course, you need to gauge the reliability of your expectations because you aren’t going to look completely different. And when you do get too much done, you will lose that genuineness of your look.

The plastic surgeon has to be skillful enough to know when to stop pulling your skin toward your ears. 

As simple as this may sound, experience plays a big part. Get someone who knows the procedure very well. When you get the doctor who knows his job, you can also ask for pictures of some of their previous works. You can see how the operations went and what these patients had to say about everything. A perfect technique would be for the surgeon to balance the changes so they are able to tighten the tissues underneath and on the skin. If everything is done haphazardly, you may end up with a distorted looking earlobe, and when people look at you, they will immediately be able to tell if you recently had an operation. While there’s nothing wrong with opting for plastic surgery, some may be uncomfortable to talk about it. If you’re trying to avoid the questions yourself, you need to make sure that the scars will be almost, if not completely, invisible.

What your doctor needs to do is position the suture strategically around the earlobe. 

And to limit your risks, you may opt for limiting the incision. Or, the cut can be made behind the earlobe. However, your choice may also depend on how your features are placed. Nonetheless, you can always revise the scar later on so that people won’t be able to see the scars. Moreover, strategy plays a big role here, which is why you need a talented surgeon. Your doctor may be required to change the direction and angle of the cut so that your hair can cover the scar.

Whatever method you choose, you should go through every detail with your doctor. 

He or she should be open to discussions so you will fill at ease with your choice. But here’s a piece of good news you can appreciate: as facelift procedures become commonplace, the telltale signs of a facelift won’t be an issue. Your cosmetic surgeon can control the outcome.

And all you need to do is choose someone who has the right credentials.


Learn how to do a face lift without surgery at Enzo Vitality proud distributors of EnzoFX3 the 6 minute facelift and EnzoFX both with Enzogenol.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Solutions for Softer Skin


Fresh-looking, spotless, and satin-smooth skin are the benefits of exfoliating regularly. 

The question now is, do you really know what you need? Here’s a simple guide to help you should you decide to either do it yourself or pay your dermatologist a visit.

For oily skin: You need to use peels twice a week and exfoliating cleansers every other day. Frequent scrubbing can increase oil production, which in turn, increases breakouts. Look for products that have salicylic and glycolic acid, which slough off the upper layer of your skin cells, dislodge acne-causing grime, and dry up oil. Your doctor should also make use of a cocktail of exfoliators that help boost skin’s natural turnover process, making it appear more relaxed and radiant.

For normal or combination skin: You need to exfoliate two or three times a week, and don’t go over that. Daily scrubbing can turn your calm complexion into a raging mess. As for the products that you get, look for naturally derived acids like alpha hydroxyl which is from sugar cane, lactic from milk, malic from apples, citric from oranges, or tartaric from grapes. These gently dissolve the bonds between dead skin cells so they can easily come off. Cleansers with natural ingredients make gentle exfoliants that help even skin out and give you a healthy glow. These also should renew and revitalize dull and dry skin making it smoother, firmer, and brighter.

For dry skin: You can only pick one flake-removing option. You either scrub or mask, and you should only do this once a week. If you do it more often, you run the risk of sending precious oils down the drain. Use products with micro-beads made of wax or jojoba. Avoid, at all costs, almond shells and apricot kernels because these may irritate and scrape your skin. If you use the ones with ultra gentle oxygenated derma beads and those with water-retaining ingredients, you reenergize and rejuvenate your dry skin. It helps to throw vitamin E into the equation because this has moisturizing properties.

For sensitive skin: By nature, exfoliators cause irritation, so it’s best that you use a night treatment once a week and scrub only every other week so you can avoid increasing your skin’s sensitivity. Look for mild products like gentle chemical peels containing retinol, salicylic acid, or soft scrubbing beads coupled with a soothing hydrating ingredient like allantoin. These should gently slough away pallid skin to allow a luminous one to resurface.  Plus, if it contains retinoic acid, you’ll be able to lessen the appearance of fine lines and visible signs of sun damage.

Your skin sheds dead skin cells on its own. In fact, you can shed about 600,000 skin cells in just an hour’s time. If you add that up, that’s a whopping 1.5 pounds on a yearly basis. Of course, you can still need the help of an expert so you can enjoy best results.

There’s nothing like the help of someone who truly knows what your skin needs.

Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Direct Neck Lifts


Older men and women may have done everything to care for their face. 

This is actually the easy part because beauty centers offer a multitude of procedures that address the problem of aging. But what about the neck area? This has proven to be such a dilemma for older people. As you get past the age of 60, you’ll feel a waddle just below your chin. This could even extend all the way to your neck, and if you look closely, it’s not a very pretty site. It gets more pronounced as the years progress.

While neck lifts are performed by many able surgeons all over the world, the procedure can actually be very expensive. 

Many people just have no means to pay for this type of surgery. And medically speaking, some of them may not be capable of handling the after effects. Rather than sulking, you can look for other options, and one could be what doctors call the direct neck lift. Technically, this is a reverse modification of a facelift. And it’s a lot simpler to perform.

Traditionally, neck lifts are done by working the skin out towards the ear area. That’s why scars are often found around the edges of the ears after. With this newer type of procedure, the excess skin and fat is removed down from the middle of the neck. You may worry about scarring since it is done at a spot where people see it, but you’ll only see the marks from under the chin down to the middle of the neck. For the men, it ends where the Adam’s apple if found. It is considered to be a rather simple procedure, and only a local anesthetic is required.

After the treatment, you’ll only see a light hint of swelling and bruising. 

It requires virtually no after care. In fact, you can enjoy all the activities you’re into soon after. Nonetheless, you’ll see a vast improvement with how you look. There will be a dramatic change because you will no longer see that bothersome waddle. In just one hour, you’ll have the neck of a younger person. You should realize that not everyone is viable to this form of solution. There will be a scar in the middle of your neck, and if you have a problem in that area, you should opt for the traditional method.


Men often make the best candidates because the marks are easily covered with a beard. If you’re very concerned about people noticing the change, especially when you’re a woman, you can scratch this off your list. You need to get past the scar because you won’t require your body to deal with the usual type of pain and discomfort. Think about it thoroughly and see if you’re strong enough to handle the scarring. Aside from that, you won’t need to deal with the other issues, and that may even be better for you. In reality, you shouldn’t concern yourself too much because the benefits far outweigh the cost.

It’s nothing that a simple concealer can’t handle.

Learn more about skin care and enzogenol at LifeFX Global and try EnxoFX and EnxoFX3 Anti-Aging Products.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Perfect Candidate for a Tummy Tuck


Tummy tuck surgeries are so common nowadays.

Cosmetic surgeons must have done the procedure dozens of times, and because scientists are continually working to improve the technology, these are far safer than they were back then. This is also otherwise known as an abdominoplasty. Sometimes, this may be your only option to get that flat stomach. Of course, you have to consider several factors before you decide to dive right in and go for it. You need to ensure your safety before anything, and it starts with getting the right doctor, one who has the license and is more than capable of performing the operation.


You may need to consult the surgeon before you make the decision. 

It helps to feel comfortable with the person who is about to open you up. Ask as many questions and go through the steps meticulously. That way, you get a clear picture of what to expect. Evidently, you need to know if you make a good candidate. Are you capable of handling the responsibilities that come right after? Do you have unrealistic expectations? Whatever type of procedure you choose, you need to realize that you aren’t going to look completely different. Yes, there are definite changes and improvements, but to get that perfect figure, you need more than just a tummy tuck. Instead, you need to consider a healthy lifestyle. This is permanent, and something that maintains the work that you’ve done.

Your doctor will want to meet you more than once. 

If you have it in your head that you’re going to have a perfect ten body, you may want to rewire your mind. You will definitely be disappointed in the end because health comes into play after. Contrary to what many people think, tummy tuck surgery won’t make you lighter. If you’re stomach is particularly larger than usual, you won’t see it as flat as an iron board after. Yes, you will look trimmer, but the outcome will depend on how much was removed. And, you won’t see the scales go down dramatically. If losing weight is really your goal, a gastric bypass may come to play, but that also depends on how much overweight you are.


After a tummy tuck, you need to be careful about getting pregnant. 

If you plan to have a family, the procedure can be done after. Any weight gain will cause you stomach to expand, and that just makes the surgery moot. Moreover, your surgeon will remove excess skin, and if you get pregnant, you will not have the extra skin necessary to stretch. As a result, you get an excessive amount of stretch marks, and that is a different problem altogether.


Knowing what to expect makes you the perfect candidate. 

You save so much time and money when you have everything planned out. Consider the things mentioned above and write down your options. While it’s alright to do what you can to make your body as beautiful as possible, proper care must be done in every step of the way.

At the end, you will not only be happier with the results, but you also won’t live with regret.

Tags:  Perfect Candidate for a Tummy Tuck


Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Eyelid Lifts

They say your eyes are the windows to your soul. 

This is what people first notice about you, and when you’re not happy with the skin around it, you will end up with a long list of insecurities. How your eyelids look will contribute a lot to your appearance. And as you get older, gravity takes its toll on your body, even your face. The upper eyelids start to sag as you age, and unlike surgery, no amount of exercise can change it.

Eyelid lift surgery, otherwise known as Blepharoplasty, is one way to solve your problems with droopy eyelids. It removes bulging fat pockets and makes the skin around your eyes firmer. Aside from looking better, the whole procedure comes with other benefits. When eyelids sag, your vision could be impaired. The doctor simply makes small incisions that serve as openings from which fat can be removed. The fatty deposits are sucked in a very fine needle with a hollow opening at the very center. Because this treatment is done on the face, your doctor has to be careful with the scars the wounds could create. These incisions are hidden in the crease found in your upper eyelid. As the wounds heal, the scars disappear and the marks are almost invisible.

Some pain is involved in Blepharoplasty.

To ease the discomfort the doctor can either give you either general or local anesthesia. It takes an hour or so to complete the procedure, but this also depends on the extent of the work that needs to be done. As with most forms of surgery, you can expect some bruising, tenderness, and swelling, but these are all temporary. For better results, eyelid lift can be performed in conjunction with a facelift or a brow lift. It does entail some form of sacrifice from your end, but the benefits you’ll reap are more than worth it. But to maximize your experience, you need to make sure that you go to a licensed practitioner who should be more than willing to answer all your concerns and questions. When you have all the details you need, you may not feel as much trepidation. Ask all that you can and don’t be scared to be overly cautious.

Get a new lease on life and feel better than ever. 

When there is something about your face that you’re not happy with, you can have a lot of issues and feel more insecure. Plastic surgery helps you regain the self-esteem that you’ve lost. And as much as you live a healthy life, eat properly, and exercise as much as you can, you may need more than just a nudge. Time has made itself visible on your face. To remove creases and wrinkles, you need to make an incision in specific areas. Only experts know this, and when you’ve sought help from the right person, every investment you’ve made will be worth it. It’s time to remove those unwanted years and see the world from a whole new light.

Sometimes, a little tweak is all you need.

Learn more about skin care at Enzo Vitality proud distributors of EnzoFX3 and EnzoFX.