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Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Better You Instantly

Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.

Right now, you need to take care of you.

You need some ‘me’ time so that life’s burdens don’t weigh you down. There are simply treats you can give yourself. For instance, you can always take a walk and spend some time outside. Don’t wait for weekends to get your fill of sunshine. If you spend time outside now, while the weather still cooperates, you’re more likely to stay out and about and livelier for the rest of the year. Eating breakfast or even working on your expenses in your backyard or a local park can be a nice treat. Come up with a list of responsibilities to tackle alfresco. Try it and feel your spirits lifted almost instantly.

Make sure that you know what’s important in your life.

Making time for what matters most can be tricky. To stay focused and true to yourself, try creating a personal metaphor, a sort of guiding image of what reflects your values the most. To do this, ask yourself what image you constantly see in your mind. These things can be inanimate. There are no rules here except that it’s constantly what you see. Ask yourself why you see such a thing and then decide how you can embody the image. Envision what would happen to you if you lived according to this guiding light. Would you step up to a new challenge? Do something on a whim in the middle of the week? Think of what you can do today so that your metaphor becomes a reality.

Then, display your vision at eye level. Post a prominent visual reminder of what you want yourself to become. You’ll be more likely to weave that message into your life and dare to reach new heights. This is the power of visualization and many can attest to the fact that it really does work to make the quality of your life so much better.

You can also work on your health to feel better about yourself.

Promise to go to the gym more often. If you’re not that inspired, create a playlist on your music player. Listening to great songs makes the workout so much better. If shopping is your thing, give yourself a reward every time you finish your session in the gym. Pretty soon, you’ll be raring to go and hit the treadmills. As you get stronger and leaner, you’ll see just how much your efforts have paid off.

To feel good, there is no greater act than to show kindness.

Volunteering for a foundation requires a bit of sacrifice, but many can attest to the fact that the feeling of gratitude you get from those people you’ve helped cannot be compared. It’s nice to know you’ve played a small role in making the world a more livable place. There’s nothing like charity, and everyone could use a kind act or two. So, the next time you feel as if you need more hope in you, try to help out. You’ll soon be grateful at the countless blessings you actually have in your life.

Plus, knowing that someone benefited from it is a reward in itself.

Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.

Tags:  A Better You Instantly


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