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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sleeping Disorders Revealed


Is getting a sound sleep too difficult for you?

Are you one of those persons who goes to sleep very late at night and wake up very early in the morning? Do you belong to the group of individuals who are always sleepy during daytime? Then, you are probability of developing a sleep disorder is very high.

Do you know that a person needs an average of six to eight hours of sleep per day? 

If you are sleeping less than six hours, then you might encounter some problems with your health. For that reason, it is very important for you to take a rest during night time and complete your sleep. However, almost all of us do experiencing occasional times of sleeplessness. But for most people that only happens on an inconsistent basis. In other words, if you are having more sleepless or fitful nights of sleep than peaceful ones then you may already have a chronic disorder relating to sleep.

Signs and symptoms that a person has a chronic sleep disorder is he is feeling irritable during the day, having difficulty in focusing and keeping conscious while watching TV or movie, having difficulty in concentrating, having emotional outbreaks, having difficulty in avoiding naps during the day, is always feeling sleeping even when driving and is perhaps addicted to caffeinated products to stay awake and active throughout the day.

If you are experiencing those symptoms on a regular basis then you might want to consult a doctor since you may have any of the following sleep disorders.

1)   Sleep Apnea – is a sleeping disorder that is very common to people who are obese. This disorder is characterized by having a pause or total blockage of flow of air during sleeping which causes loud snores, gasping of breath, choking and even death.

2)   Insomnia – is the most common of all sleeping disorders wherein almost everyone has already experienced having insomnia at some point of the lifetime. It is characterized by the inability of a person to have a quality sleep. This may be due to jetlag, stress or even a simple alteration of your bedding or pillow.

3)   Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) – happens whenever there is an involuntary movement of the legs or hands while the person is sleeping.

4)   Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) – is like and RLS wherein there is an involuntary movement of the limbs or legs while the patient is awake or at rest.

5)   Narcolepsy – is a sleep disorder that causes the one affected by this disease to suddenly fall asleep without even a single warning even he or she has had enough sleep or not. Some say that this is genetic while other claims that there are some environmental triggers that cause such disease.

Now that you know the different sleep disorders, it is advisable to make a sleep diary to record and to examine which of the above mentioned sleep disorders closely resemble your problem.

Then, you must consult a doctor to properly give you and advice or treatment.


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