Technology is revolutionizing the way doctors diagnose and manage illnesses.
They also now know how to relate to their patients better. After all, the field of medicine has seen many changes in the past years. Years back, patents talked to their doctors either by going to the clinics or calling them on the telephone. The situation is very different now. Most patients already have access to their doctors 24/7, thanks to the cellular phone. They text or call their doctors anytime they have questions or concerns.
This new arrangement has good and bad points.
For those doctors who handle patients with debilitating diseases, they’re there to help anytime of the day. You may sleep more soundly when you know that you get this sort of service. After all, you may suffer a lot of health issues as you get older, some may be related to your lifestyle while others are already in your genes.
But this constant contact also has its downside.
Patients sometimes wait for the doctor’s reply instead of going to the hospital where they can be assisted right away. Doctors don’t always keep their eyes on their phones. They may be in a meeting or engaged with other patients and cannot immediately respond. The cell phone is also prone to abuse. Some patients with trivial problems just call in the middle of the night. Know that your doctors need rest, too. You must know what is considered to be an emergency. Before you get on the phone and dial the pad, there are guidelines you need to keep in mind.
You need to be specific about your problem.
Inquiries through cell phone can actually be considered as consultations. Don’t just text vague and generalized messages. You must include other information, such as onset of the problem, description of the character (location, intensity, timing, and aggravating and relieving factors), whether or not medication was given, and what has happened since the problem started. Also, don’t expect them to prescribe medicines after only a few text messages. Managing a patient is complicated. “One size fits all” practice does not apply. Prescribing medicines without completely evaluating the patient may do you more harm than good.
If you haven’t seen your doctor in a long time, it’s best to see him personally or go to the emergency room for pressing problems. A lot of changes may have happened to you that your doctor does not know and that may affect his decision-making. Don’t wait for a reply if the problem is a lot more serious and pressing. Don’t get paralyzed without a reply from your doc. Remember that there’s the emergency room, which was there even before the dawn of technology. If you cannot reach your doctor in a dire situation, get into the car and ask someone to drive you to the hospital.
Remember, now that you are older, you must take care of yourself better. Know what to do in case your health fails you. That way, you can stop problems from compounding.
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