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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Good News to Those Who Go to Their Doctors


Technology is revolutionizing the way doctors diagnose and manage illnesses.

They also now know how to relate to their patients better. After all, the field of medicine has seen many changes in the past years. Years back, patents talked to their doctors either by going to the clinics or calling them on the telephone. The situation is very different now. Most patients already have access to their doctors 24/7, thanks to the cellular phone. They text or call their doctors anytime they have questions or concerns.

This new arrangement has good and bad points.

For those doctors who handle patients with debilitating diseases, they’re there to help anytime of the day. You may sleep more soundly when you know that you get this sort of service. After all, you may suffer a lot of health issues as you get older, some may be related to your lifestyle while others are already in your genes.

But this constant contact also has its downside.

Patients sometimes wait for the doctor’s reply instead of going to the hospital where they can be assisted right away. Doctors don’t always keep their eyes on their phones. They may be in a meeting or engaged with other patients and cannot immediately respond. The cell phone is also prone to abuse. Some patients with trivial problems just call in the middle of the night. Know that your doctors need rest, too. You must know what is considered to be an emergency. Before you get on the phone and dial the pad, there are guidelines you need to keep in mind.

You need to be specific about your problem.

Inquiries through cell phone can actually be considered as consultations. Don’t just text vague and generalized messages. You must include other information, such as onset of the problem, description of the character (location, intensity, timing, and aggravating and relieving factors), whether or not medication was given, and what has happened since the problem started. Also, don’t expect them to prescribe medicines after only a few text messages. Managing a patient is complicated. “One size fits all” practice does not apply. Prescribing medicines without completely evaluating the patient may do you more harm than good.

 If you haven’t seen your doctor in a long time, it’s best to see him personally or go to the emergency room for pressing problems. A lot of changes may have happened to you that your doctor does not know and that may affect his decision-making. Don’t wait for a reply if the problem is a lot more serious and pressing. Don’t get paralyzed without a reply from your doc. Remember that there’s the emergency room, which was there even before the dawn of technology. If you cannot reach your doctor in a dire situation, get into the car and ask someone to drive you to the hospital.

Remember, now that you are older, you must take care of yourself better. Know what to do in case your health fails you. That way, you can stop problems from compounding.

This article was brought to you by GBG Vitality proud distributors of the GBG 10-in-1 Liquid and now Chewable Vitamins. Packed full of Super Fruits, Vitamins and Minerals in one ounce.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Calories Burned Counter How To Use A Pedometer

A calories burned counter is called a pedometer. 

Choosing a good and high quality Digital Calories burned counter usually means paying more as the more expensive pedometers are better. As with everything you buy, you get what you pay for. However, you can avoid paying for more pedometer than you need by researching and looking for reviews. The following are characteristics of a good Calories burned counter.

1. It Doesn’t Under-Count Or Over-Count Steps

The most essential characteristic of a good Calories burned counter is accuracy. While no pedometer can have 100% accuracy in counting steps, you should not get one that under-counts or over-counts in either extreme. In most cases, a poor quality calories burned counter usually under-counts your steps.  Because every step counts, you may end up working harder than you should if you buy a poor quality pedometer.

2. It Comes with a Waistband Clip or Durable Belt

No matter how well the pedometer itself works, it can only work if it is attached to you.  That’s why you don’t want to choose a Digital Calories burned counter that comes with a belt or waistband clip that breaks easily. Once the clip or belt is broken the device may not be unusable since it is designed to be clipped firmly on our waist to count steps properly. Always look out for belt or waistband clip that comes with lifetime warranty if available as you can return it for a replacement if it breaks.

3. Comes With Warranty (At Least 1 Year)

A good quality calories burned counter will come with minimum one year warranty or more. A pedometer with no warranty or a limited warranty gives you no assurance that the device will last.

4. Comes With Longer Battery Life

A calories burned counter that comes with only a short battery life will not be accurate and this will negatively affect your wellness and fitness program. Thus, you must find one that has a longer battery life.

5. Comes With "False Step" Sensor To Remove Non-Step Motion

The better calories burned counters come with built-in "false step" sensor.  These filter out motions that are not considered as a "normal step". Such calories burned counters are usually more accurate in results compared to others.

6. Has Separate Step and Aerobic Step Counters

A pedometer that has separate calories burned counters for regular steps and for minutes walked more than 10 minutes continuously will give you a better sense of the actual calories you have burned off.  These pedometers are more sophisticated and thus better.

7. Has an Automatic Shut Down Feature

Some of the more advanced calories burned counters will automatically reset themselves at midnight.  While this isn’t an essential feature, it is nice to know that you get a fresh count of your steps each morning.

Calories burned counters that are used as freebies or are items given away in trade shows, or sold as promotional items are typically considered as "cheap" and "not-so-good-quality" Pedometers.

Instead, invest the $25 to $35 out of your own pocket to get one of the top quality calories burned counters available today.

Learn more about healthy living at Vitality Market  home of Essante Organic Products home of the famous Power Pops

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ways to Look Good and Feel Good


While people say that beauty is only skin deep, there are those who’ll give you an equally witty retort.

Sure, beauty may only go so far, but ugly is to the bone. Maybe seeing all these glamorous women splattered all over the magazines has a lot to do with people’s idea of beauty. Somehow, you can also be your biggest critic. Others may not see your imperfections, but you zone in on them every time you look at yourself in the mirror. If looking good helps you to feel good, then you need to take care of your body.

First of all, you need to pamper yourself. Make sure that you enjoy a nice warm bath with soothing chamomile soap and a variety of aromatic oils. You need to moisturize your skin and keep it hydrated if you don’t want wrinkles to start appearing early. This doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Those special baths can be a treat that you can do once a week. For your daily routine, make sure that you clean your body from the day’s dust and grime. Then, apply some moisturizer on your face and neck before you hit the sheets at night. It’s a big no-no to sleep with makeup on. Allow your skin to breathe when you rest and invest in good products for your face.

Also, never try to squeeze your pimples by yourself.

You only make the condition worse when you do this. Instead, exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells. This allows smooth, new skin to resurface, and pretty soon, you won’t have to deal with breakout. Also, give yourself time to rest. When you sleep, your body repairs itself faster. Leave work at the office and do your best to get at least six hours of sleep at night. Aside from that, drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. H2O can do wonders for your skin because you allow your system to cleanse your body and remove the toxins found within. Juice and carbonated drinks don’t count. Only water can hydrate skin and aid with digestion.

And if you’ve done everything to care for yourself but feel as if there are stubborn areas in your body that don’t respond with exercise, you can always go to your doctor for advice. Luckily, you now have choices that help in slowing down your body’s aging process. There’s Botox, liposuction, facial fillers, laser surgeries, and so much more. Talk to a specialist and see what procedure is best for you. Nonetheless, don’t be too quick on your decisions. Getting a procedure requires a lot of willpower, and you need to make sure that you take care of your body afterwards.

Some of these procedures don’t have lasting effects. In fact, you may be required to visit your doctor every couple of months. Consider this and set aside money for it if you really want to push through with your plans. The choice is really yours: do you want to age gracefully or do you want to stop time as much as you can? Just be remember to be responsible about it.

For more information on Healthy Green Organic Living visit Vitaltiy Market proud distributor of Essante Organic Products home of the Power Pops 



Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cut Energy Bills - Do A Home Energy Audit And Harvest Wind Energy


Unless you've been living in a cave, in which case you probably don't worry too much about energy costs, you know that energy costs have skyrocketed.  And, of course, our incomes have not kept pace.  You can take back control and cut energy bills by finding out the 'weak spots' in your homes energy usage.

Simple things like using energy efficient light bulbs and lowering the temperature on your water heater can help save you some money but the biggest energy cost you have are your heating and cooling costs.  Finding ways to cut back on these areas can add up to real savings. But there is an alternative energy source I'm pretty sure you may not have given a lot of thought to.

Were you aware that the use of a home wind turbine, can lower your power bill by as much as 60% or perhaps even more. In other words you will be gnerating your electricty to heat and cool your home year round. This amazing technology can be tied in with a energy audit and bingo you are saving a big chunk of change.

If you want to hire a professional to do an energy audit just call your local utility company for a referral.  Just remember that these audits are pretty expensive and you can do a lot of the same things yourself for free.

The first thing you need to look for are leaks.  Any gaps where your nice heated, or cooled, air is going right out the window, literally.  Finding these holes requires nothing more than some time and careful attention. Simply go around your windows, doors, baseboards, electrical outlets,  and foundation and look for any visible holes.

Once you spot problem areas use caulk, or a foam insulating product, to plug up the gap. 

Another thing you need to do is make sure your home has enough insulation. Check with your local building supply store as to what the proper 'R' value is for your home and location.  If you don't have enough insulation you can add more for very little cost.

Cut energy bills by doing a home energy audit yourself or hiring someone to do one for you.  The first step to fixing any problem is identifying what the problem is. You can also hire a professional or "do it yourself" installation of a home windmill. Between knowing the air loss weak spots and installing your own wind power generator you can sit back and enjoy the savings for the many years to come.

Learn more about Green Living at Vitality Market distributors of Essante Orgainc Products and the world famous fat burner power pops.


3 Day Diets Lose 5 Pounds In Just 3 Days


3 Day Diets are fad diets that promise that you will lose a small amount of weight – usually about 5 pounds – in just three days.

Some also promise cleansing, lowered cholesterol, and increased energy.  These diets are not scientifically proven, but with the limited time scope of the plans, should not cause any harm.  You can actually lose some weight with 3 day diets. Don’t expect to have long term weight loss with the various 3 day diets.  These are strictly restricted calorie plans wherein you lose water weight.  They’re great if you have an upcoming event such as a wedding or reunion to attend.  However, they’re not supposed to be used as a permanent lifestyle solution.

One of the 3 day diets is also known as the Cleveland Clinic Diet. 

It should be noted that the actual Cleveland Clinic in Ohio has disavowed any relationship with the program.  This diet has also been called the Mayo Clinic diet (the Mayo Clinic has also disavowed it) and the grapefruit diet.

The reason this is called the Grapefruit Diet is because you eat ½ a grapefruit or 4 oz. of grapefruit juice with each meal. 

If you eat the grapefruit in its natural state and dig into the rind, you will actually get 6 grams of fiber.  It is recommended that people get 25 grams of fiber a day and dieters may want to push that to 30 or 35 grams.  Eating this much grapefruit may help you on your way.  It should be noted though that grapefruit juice has no fiber.

You should also know that grapefruit has no special fat burning or metabolism enhancing qualities.  It’s simply a fruit that is good for you just like apples and oranges.  The 3 day diets take advantage of this fact and turn it into a gimmick.

The 3 day diets work in part, because they are very low calorie programs. 

Breakfast might include an egg, a slice of dry toast, and a banana – a total of 200 calories.  Lunch is a cup of cottage cheese and 5 saltine crackers – again under 200 calories.  Dinner seems more substantial with 3 oz. of lean turkey, 2 cups of vegetables, a banana, and ½ cup of vanilla ice cream, but you are still eating less than 350 calories.  Your 3 servings of grapefruit add another 150 calories.  That’s just 900 calories for the day!

Of course you are going to lose weight on 900 calories, even if you just sit around and watch tv all day!  This isn’t sustainable across time, but for a quick and dirty solution to losing a few pounds, it can work.

A lifestyle choice it’s not, but 3 day diets can get you into your “skinny jeans” before a big date, let you look like your high school prom picture for your 10 year reunion, or fit into your dream wedding dress.  Anything more is just too much to expect from the 3 day diets.

Learn more about weight loss at GBG Vitality and the poweful 10-in-1 vitamins supplement, liquid vitamins and multivitamin supplement.


Your Electronic Devices Can Save You Money


I guess we really are the land of plenty, most people have some sort of electronics in their home.  T.V.s, cell phones, DVD players, VCR's, etc

The list goes on and on.  And many families who would never be considered rich have one or more of these electronic devices. This is a great place to start with energy savings.

What if you could power all of these devices with your personal electricity; instead of having to buy it from the cash sucking power companies? Well you can and you can do it and fairly inexpensively. The most renewable energy source can be harvested by you with your own home wind turbine kit. And you can further reduce your power bills by following some the simple step outlined below.

That's the good news, the bad news is that these electronic devices are costing you a bundle in electricity costs.  Most people don't realize that even though their electronic item is turned off it is still in 'stand-by' mode, which means that it is still using electricity...and costing you money.

If you're not going to be using that t.v. in the basement for a long time than unplug it.  I know it can be a bit of a hassle since you'll probably need to re-set the channels, but if you unplug it every time it's going to be sitting unused for a while, you can save yourself quite a bit of money over the course of a year!

Your computer is another energy hog

Many of us leave our computers on virtually around the clock all year long.  I've heard conflicting opinions of whether or not it is good to turn your computer off daily, some say it's best while other's say it's not good for it.

What you can do is to set your computer to an energy saving stand-by mode when not in use.  It's sometimes referred to as sleep mode.  That way you will be saving electricity without having to reboot your computer every morning before you use it. 

None of these changes are going to make you the next millionaire.  But all of them, with wind power, can combine to make quite a dent on your energy bills.  These are simple energy savings techniques that don't take much time and you don't need any money or very little money.  With such little effort and the potential savings, why wouldn't you do it?

Learn more about living green at Vitality Market proud distributosr of Essante Worldwide Organic Products manufacturer of the Power Pop.



Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to Throw the Best Green Labor Day Party

Here in the States, cooking out is a Labor Day tradition.

You may be like many people, wishing to extend your green lifestyle choices to include entertainment and leisure activities.

Here's how to throw your next green Labor Day party.

1. Use natural charcoal or wood for your grill.

Natural charcoal is very basic - it's simply charred wood. It's available by the bag at major retailers and home improvement stores.

Using wood itself is another option. If you have a basic backyard grill (not propane), you can burn fallen sticks and twigs that you can gather yourself with minimal effort.

2. Send out electronic invitations to save paper.

Or, make your own invitations from scrap paper or junk mail.

3. Encourage your guests to walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation to get to your party.

4. Serve local, seasonal foods.

Labor Day is still within the growing season in many parts of the country.

Corn, tomatoes, peppers, onions and squash are all good options for grilling and are still in season in early September.

Potato wedges cooked on the grill can take the place of packaged potato chips.

Regardless of where you live, there will be something good and grill-able that is in season and grown locally.

5. Serve food on reusable flatware and plates.

Serve drinks from washable cups and glasses. If possible, have drinks in coolers and kegs rather than individual cans or bottles.

6. For those items that are disposable (beverage cans or bottles, for example), have clearly labeled recycling bins set up for guests where they can easily toss their used items.

7. Burn citronella candles or torches around the edges of your party or grilling area if it's all outdoors.

Have citronella candles burning on any outdoor tables where your guests will be eating.

Provide natural insect lotions or sprays for your guests as well.

8. If you want to cook meat on the grill, choose grass-fed, organic, and/or free range meats.

Wild meats are also a good option if the season coincides.

You can still serve traditional burgers and hotdogs - just choose vegetarian or free-range, organic versions of these classic foods.

9. Whole grain flat bread is good on the grill, and with toppings of grilled vegetables and/or meats, it becomes a main course.

10. Make dessert from seasonal, local fruits.

Some berries are still in season around Labor Day - serve them in a cobbler or pie, or raw with sauce or dips.

11. Strings of festive LED lights in appropriate colors provide eco-friendly lighting for your party.

Solar lights are also an option - they are easily obtained these days and can be quite affordable.

Most Importantly - Be Safe, Have FUN,
and Enjoy Your Company!! 

The memories are PRICELESS!!


Here in the States, cooking out is a Labor Day tradition.

You may be like many people, wishing to extend your green lifestyle choices to include entertainment and leisure activities.

Here's how to throw your next green Labor Day party.

1. Use natural charcoal or wood for your grill.

Natural charcoal is very basic - it's simply charred wood. It's available by the bag at major retailers and home improvement stores.

Using wood itself is another option. If you have a basic backyard grill (not propane), you can burn fallen sticks and twigs that you can gather yourself with minimal effort.

2. Send out electronic invitations to save paper.

Or, make your own invitations from scrap paper or junk mail.

3. Encourage your guests to walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation to get to your party.

4. Serve local, seasonal foods.

Labor Day is still within the growing season in many parts of the country.

Corn, tomatoes, peppers, onions and squash are all good options for grilling and are still in season in early September.

Potato wedges cooked on the grill can take the place of packaged potato chips.

Regardless of where you live, there will be something good and grill-able that is in season and grown locally.

5. Serve food on reusable flatware and plates.

Serve drinks from washable cups and glasses. If possible, have drinks in coolers and kegs rather than individual cans or bottles.

6. For those items that are disposable (beverage cans or bottles, for example), have clearly labeled recycling bins set up for guests where they can easily toss their used items.

7. Burn citronella candles or torches around the edges of your party or grilling area if it's all outdoors.

Have citronella candles burning on any outdoor tables where your guests will be eating.

Provide natural insect lotions or sprays for your guests as well.

8. If you want to cook meat on the grill, choose grass-fed, organic, and/or free range meats.

Wild meats are also a good option if the season coincides.

You can still serve traditional burgers and hotdogs - just choose vegetarian or free-range, organic versions of these classic foods.

9. Whole grain flat bread is good on the grill, and with toppings of grilled vegetables and/or meats, it becomes a main course.

10. Make dessert from seasonal, local fruits.

Some berries are still in season around Labor Day - serve them in a cobbler or pie, or raw with sauce or dips.

11. Strings of festive LED lights in appropriate colors provide eco-friendly lighting for your party.

Solar lights are also an option - they are easily obtained these days and can be quite affordable.

Learn more about Green Living at Vitality Market proud distributors of Essante Worldwide home of the famous Power Pop


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Free Wind Energy Savings-Saving Your Money And The Planet At The Same Time


With so many of us feeling a financial pinch, implementing energy savings techniques around our homes just makes sense.

Let's face it, few of us are in a position to increase our incomes, or if we can usually not by very much, therefore we need to find a way to save money.  The good news is that you can start today and you can start at home.

There are dozens of simple, cheap, and even free, things you can do right now that can make your home more energy efficient.

A few of the things that you can do to save energy around your home are: replace burnt out light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs, cook foods at the lowest temperature possible, turn off all lights and appliances when you leave a room, keep your computer on energy saving mode when not in use.

This very simple list isn't going to save you thousands of dollars a year, but each one of these things is easy to do and will save you money so what have you got to lose?

If you want to make a bigger dent on your utility bill there are other things that may cost some money and/or take some effort but they can pay off big by reducing your electric bill significantly.

One of the most powerful ways to save your money and even possibly increase your income is installing a home wind turbine for your home. You can get these kits for under $300.00. You can even store the excess electricty you create with your wind power generator and sale it back to your electric company.

These things are upgrading your windows and doors, you may even be eligible for a tax credit, adding insulation to your attic, upgrading to energy efficient appliances, replacing your furnace if it's more than 10 years old.

While these things are going to cost quite a bit of money, and it will take longer to recoup your investment, they will pay off by helping you keep your utility bill lower for years to come.

The bottom line is that you can save money by using one of more of these energy savings strategies right now.  Some are cheaper and easier than others, but they will all work to cut back on your expenses.

Learn more about Green Living at Vitality Market proud distributors of Essante Worldwide green and organic inexpensive products and home of the famous Power Pops.




Monday, August 23, 2010

Wind Turbine and Going Green Tips You Can Start Using Now


The nice thing about the renewed interest in the environment is that going green can also save you green...a lot of green. 

There are dozens of things you can do to save energy that will not only help the planet but your financial health as well.  Some things are fairly elaborate and may cost a little money, and other's are very simple.  No matter which option you choose, you should start today.

Some of the simpler things you can do to help the environment are to make sure your car is tuned up, check your tire pressure, combine errands so you don't have to backtrack.  These simple things can help you get better fuel economy as well as save harmful emissions.

Around your home simple things like recycling your empty pop cans and papers, adding insulation, keeping your thermostat low, and using caulk to seal out drafts can also save you money.

If you had something a little more significant in mind building your own wind turbine might be a good option for you.  Despite what you might think, you don't need to build a huge wind mill in your backyard. 

There are 'home sized' turbines available that not only come in smaller sizes but can even come in different shapes. Some of these turbines actually look like a modern sculpture and many can be mounted right on your roof.

One small wind turbine can cut the amount of electricity you need to buy from your utility company by up to 60%.  That can add up to a very significant savings.  Turbines can be built for around $200 in a matter of a couple of days.

Going green can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be.  The important thing is that you decide on a course of action and then go for it.  You will feel really good knowing that not only are you saving money, but you're saving the planet too.

Learn more about living green at Vitality Market proud distributors of Essante Worldwide home of the famous Power Pops.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cut Energy Bills With Wind Power And Winterize Your Home


Heading into this winter season many families are understandably nervous

It's a tough economy and many people are worried about their jobs and keeping up with rising costs.  But there are many cheap, or free, things you can do to cut energy bills.  Here is a list of some of the easy, yet effective, changes you can start making today.

1. Make sure your furnace is ready for the winter.  Have a qualified HVAC professional check and clean your unit.  Once the heating season starts make sure to change your filters monthly.  If the filter is dirty it will restrict airflow which will use more energy since it has to work harder.

2. Add a programmable thermostat.  You can set it to automatically adjust the temperature at certain times of the day and certain days of the week.  That way the temperature in your home will automatically go down during the day when no one is home, or overnight.  It can also raise the temperature shortly before you get up in the morning.

3. Take care of your fireplace. Make sure the chimney is cleaned and in good repair. If you use your fireplace more than once a week you should have it professionally cleaned yearly. Also install a cap or screen at the top of your chimney to prevent birds from building nests.

4. Caulk around your windows and doors.  The more heat loss you can prevent the less your furnace will have to run, and that will save you money all season long.  Using window kits is another way to prevent heat loss from older windows.

5. Using wind power, (think home windmill) along with the above winterizeing tips and this will more than put you ahead of the game; on cutting your long term electric bills.

Now is a good time to make some simple changes that can help you cut energy bills this winter.  Take a few minutes now to save hundreds not only this winter but throughout the year and for years to come. 

Learn more about Affordable Green Living and Essante Worldwide green products at Vitality Market.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Easy Way to Lose Weight and Feel Good


You want to prepare yourself for that shindig.

Unfortunately, you just don’t like the way you look. Looking and better is just not that easy, especially when you don’t have money to pay for all those expensive procedures. Finally, there’s a fat-torching plan that will take off some of that extra pounds from your body quickly. You don’t have to starve yourself and take those strange supplements to do this. It’s all about making small sacrifices here and supplementing them with specific techniques. People often go for a one-size-fits-all regimen, but that has proven to be ineffective for most people.

You are more capable to sticking to the plan if it’s something that fits your lifestyle. If you want to achieve more, you can push the envelope just a bit further. Here are a few tips you can follow:

1. Drink lots of water. Fluids are generally good. However, a glass of juice or smoothie, or even a bottle of energy drink, contains about 100 calories per serving. You may fill your stomach with one drink but you find that they are still not as satisfying as real food. Moreover, they could also be high on sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your system into retaining water. On the other hand, plain, good ol’ water has zero calories and carbs and almost zero sodium. Plus, you flush out excess water weight while jump-starting your metabolism.
2. Remove white bread or pasta from your diet. You instantly lose weight and tone your figure when you cut out all white grain products.
3. Substitute carbs with vegetables. You get complex carbs from vegetables. This means that they are digested more slowly. The plus is that veggies are mostly water, so it gives you some of the benefits that water gives.
4. Do cardio at least 30 minutes a day. Any workout increases your heart rate; therefore, you burn more calories. You increase the level up a notch if you’ll use more if you pick a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles at the same time. You’ll see a definite toning after a few weeks of alternating between short bursts of intense cardio with slower activity.
5. Drink coffee before you exercise. Just as a coffee run makes your days more productive, a pre-exercise cup of back coffee or something that has a splash of skim milk adds some energy into your exercise routine. You push yourself harder unconsciously because you have your adrenaline pumping from all the caffeine.
6. Do push-ups and lunges daily because these gym-class basics sculpt your muscle. Add free weights for a more challenging workout.
7. Lastly, get more sleep every night so that you won’t need a quick sugar fix when you wake up. Since your body builds muscle when you get your zzzz’s, you are actually sculpting and toning your figure while you rest.

If these don’t work, remember that you reserve your right to seek the help of a cosmetic surgeon. Right now, however, you make for a good candidate because your lifestyle can lengthen the effects of these procedures.

Learn more about eating right and affordable green living at Vitality Market distributor of Essante Worldwide Products.


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sleeping Disorders Revealed


Is getting a sound sleep too difficult for you?

Are you one of those persons who goes to sleep very late at night and wake up very early in the morning? Do you belong to the group of individuals who are always sleepy during daytime? Then, you are probability of developing a sleep disorder is very high.

Do you know that a person needs an average of six to eight hours of sleep per day? 

If you are sleeping less than six hours, then you might encounter some problems with your health. For that reason, it is very important for you to take a rest during night time and complete your sleep. However, almost all of us do experiencing occasional times of sleeplessness. But for most people that only happens on an inconsistent basis. In other words, if you are having more sleepless or fitful nights of sleep than peaceful ones then you may already have a chronic disorder relating to sleep.

Signs and symptoms that a person has a chronic sleep disorder is he is feeling irritable during the day, having difficulty in focusing and keeping conscious while watching TV or movie, having difficulty in concentrating, having emotional outbreaks, having difficulty in avoiding naps during the day, is always feeling sleeping even when driving and is perhaps addicted to caffeinated products to stay awake and active throughout the day.

If you are experiencing those symptoms on a regular basis then you might want to consult a doctor since you may have any of the following sleep disorders.

1)   Sleep Apnea – is a sleeping disorder that is very common to people who are obese. This disorder is characterized by having a pause or total blockage of flow of air during sleeping which causes loud snores, gasping of breath, choking and even death.

2)   Insomnia – is the most common of all sleeping disorders wherein almost everyone has already experienced having insomnia at some point of the lifetime. It is characterized by the inability of a person to have a quality sleep. This may be due to jetlag, stress or even a simple alteration of your bedding or pillow.

3)   Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) – happens whenever there is an involuntary movement of the legs or hands while the person is sleeping.

4)   Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) – is like and RLS wherein there is an involuntary movement of the limbs or legs while the patient is awake or at rest.

5)   Narcolepsy – is a sleep disorder that causes the one affected by this disease to suddenly fall asleep without even a single warning even he or she has had enough sleep or not. Some say that this is genetic while other claims that there are some environmental triggers that cause such disease.

Now that you know the different sleep disorders, it is advisable to make a sleep diary to record and to examine which of the above mentioned sleep disorders closely resemble your problem.

Then, you must consult a doctor to properly give you and advice or treatment.


Yogurts Benefits: Exposed


Have you noticed that in the recent years, there has been a significant increase of yogurt supplies in the supermarket? 

Aside from that, there are many other products that incorporate yogurt as their ingredients. There are simple yogurts, yogurts with fruit toppings and even yogurt drinks and shakes. The advertisement for those products has significantly increased as well. Why? This is because a lot of people want to benefit from the good effects of yogurt consumption.

Yogurts are just simply a cream or milk which has been cultured using active live cultures wherein such cultures are the key to the different health benefits of yogurts.  The live cultures are good bacteria which is responsible in improving the body functions of an individual. Having said that, let’s find out how these good bacteria can be of great help for us.

1)   Improved Digestion. Since yogurts have active cultures then, this will be very helpful in helping different gastrointestinal conditions such as constipation, colon cancer. Diarrhea, H. pylori infection, inflammatory bowel disease and lactose intolerance. 

2)   Reduced Vaginal Infection. For women with diabetes, it has been found out that a common problem for them is to have yeast vaginal infection or Candida. However, there has been some studies where the women were given 6 ounces of yogurt (some with active culture while others don’t have) per day and there was a very significant decreased in vaginal yeast infection for those who had eaten the yogurt with active culture while no change for those yogurt without active culture.

3)   Stronger Bones. Yogurts came from milk; it is rich with calcium as well. Thus, it aids on keeping the bones stronger. In addition to that, many yogurts are also produced with Vitamin D. From the different researches it has been found out that the combination of Vitamin D and calcium help in preventing the dreadful osteoporosis, bone density loss and other bone related diseases.

4)   Reduced High Blood Pressure Risk. It has been found out by recent researches that low-fat dairy diets are very good in reducing the risk of high blood pressure wherein most of those who participated in such programs use milk, therefore, they have inferred that the same results and conclusion can be applied to yogurt consumption.

5)    Weight Loss. Yogurt is not the one really responsible for weight loss; however, eating yogurt can be very helpful to lose weight because there is a sense of fullness after consuming yogurt. Thus, the person who eats yogurt will usually eat less on the next meal or he or she will not have a frequent in between snacks since he or she will not become hungry as easily.

Aside from those things mentioned, there are still a lot more benefits of yogurt to the body - like boosting the immune system and more. Also, yogurts are very rich source of protein, riboflavin and vitamin B 12 as well.

Thus, including yogurt on the daily food diet of an individual will be very helpful to stay strong and healthy for many years.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

On Your Way to a Slimmer You


Sure, you do everything just to lose all that added weight. 

Now that you’re a bit older, dieting seems to be more of a challenge. That’s a sign that your metabolism is actually slowing down. Of course, quitting will only make it worse. What you need right now is to incorporate healthy living into your life for good. But for the areas that are too stubborn to disappear, you have the cosmetic surgeon to help you achieve a better body.

Unfortunately, while this may be the best method available, it is also the costliest. The traditional method is no longer by these experts. In fact, previous patients attest to the fact that your skin ends up looking lumpy after the surgery. That’s mainly because fat wasn’t evenly removed.


Right now, laser liposuction is a world better. 

Your skin looks smoother and more even because fat is first liquefied before it is sucked out via a tool called the cannula. The process is far more complex and comprehensive, which also thus explains the higher cost. If you’re set on getting this, make sure that you set aside a large amount of your savings and invest in a good doctor. Or, you can also look into a procedure called tumescent surgery, another form of liposuction. This is the most popular method to date and the main reason for its high demand is the fact that experts consider this to be the safest one available. You won’t be plagued by the usual health scares that you’d normally have to consider.

What the doctor does is inject the target area with a liquid mixture that shrinks the blood vessels. This is done so that there is very little bleeding involved. The fat then can easily be removed without letting the patient experience the level of pain. But the most expensive kind of liposuction is called the ultrasonic liposuction.

This can address fat buildup in hard-to-treat areas such as the neck, knee, chin, and calves.

The surgeon can hone in on an area and make it look lean and trim after. To do this, a machine that emits high sound waves is used. The skin is tightened at the same time because of the waves themselves.

You can always go for the most effective and most expensive method, but you seriously need to consider if you can afford the procedure. Talk to your doctor and see what options you have right now. The good news is that you can finally reshape your body the best way possible, and thanks to technology, you won’t have to go through as much pain.

You have to give a lot of credit to the field of cosmetic surgery. Because of these doctors, men and women from all over the world now have a better body image. Liposuction has done a good job in reshaping the contours of the body. While beauty comes from within, how you feel about your outwardly appearance helps a lot. You can now feel as glamorous as the people you see in magazines.

Nonetheless, it is still your job to take care of your body after so that your investment goes a long way.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Work with Your Dermatologist


Has too much fun in the sun left your skin looking like years ahead of its actual age? 

First of all, you need to see your dermatologist for your skin. You need to work with them in order to reverse the abuse you’ve done. You can go for a diamond peel. This removes and sloughs off the layers of dead skin cells. The whole process is painless. You just have to sit back and let your doctor take care of the rest. Depending on the damage, you may be required to go in for several visits to completely restore your skin. Aside from that, you need to actively be mindful of what you do. If you remain reckless, the visits will be futile. You’ll just keep adding more marks, and that can be more expensive than usual.

Save your face with a few of these tips:

1. Slather on some moisturizer. Sun, chlorine, and saltwater can take a toll on your skin, leaving your body dry and itchy all over. Instead of applying on some heavy cream, which sounds as appealing as wearing a heavy cloak while you tan, try rehydrating in the shower. Then, apply lightweight lotion to damp skin.

2. Don’t forget to slough and brighten. A dull complexion is what you’ll get after a beach session. To fix this problem, wash with a mild soap and face-cleansing brush to remove the dead skin cells. To add that certain sparkle, dust on a light-reflecting powder throughout the day. Just keep around an extra compact in your bag whenever you need a boost.

3. Try to remove those extra spots left. After a diamond peel, you’ll notice that many of your sun spots have disappeared. Still, there will be a few left on your skin. To enhance what the dermatologist has done, use a product like EnzoFX3 or EnzoFX with enzogenol manufactured by LifeFX Global these products will turn back the clock and keep your skin looking young. While prescription-strength bleaching creams help, these formulas can also cause sun hypersensitivity.

4. Take skin vitamins. Your doctor will constantly remind you to minimize sun exposure, but you should also know that UV rays actually trigger vitamin D synthesis, and this helps prevent osteoporosis. If you aren’t getting at least 10 minutes of direct sunlight three times a week, consider taking a daily supplement. Or get out when the sun is at its safest. Either take a walk early morning or late in the afternoon (after 2 p.m.) to get the healthier rays.

Do whatever you can to protect your skin. And at all times, never forget to apply sunscreen even when you’ll be staying indoors. After all, the sun can still penetrate through your car tint when you go out for a drive.

Never underestimate the strength of the UVA rays, and now, it’s time for you to know how to avoid sun damage at all costs.

Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Your Doctors Solutions to Skin Problems


Your dermatologist or plastic surgeon will definitely know how to deal with skin problems. 

Their goal would be to eliminate the common culprits. First, they will always say that you should never use anything heavy or greasy on your face. You wonder why it’s gotten worse when at home, you’re actually using pure vitamin E oil. Then, they’ll also require that you go through some detective work. Some of these components may actually be hormonal or genetic in nature. Stress, insomnia, treatments, and some medicines can all knock your hormones out of whack and cause you to look beyond your actual age. When these experts want to get to the bottom of things, they’ll ask you to go through a test.

Before they work on your skin, they’ll apply an antibacterial agent all over your face. 

They will treat the entire zone and add prescription-strength ointments. If you’re scared about putting something on your sensitive skin, then leave it up to the doctor to do it for you. That way, you know that someone with the right knowledge is working on you. If irritation occurs, they will opt for soothing treatments that restore the skin’s barrier.

Laser treatments seem to have become more and more popular these days. 

They are pricey, but they do kill unwanted bacteria and can put your oil glands to sleep for as long as six months. People go crazy for this and you have to think of it as an investment. Most of the time, there’s no pain, no recuperation, and after one visit, you see your skin clearing up for months at a time. Yes, it is a lot to pay for clear skin, but you really do get to see a dramatic difference. And after that, you can go on with your activities with no insecurities. The maintenance falls on your shoulders. You need to live more responsibly or you will be required to visit the doctor once again real soon.

Another famous form of treatment is also what people call a facial peel or wrinkle reducer you should do this with natural ingredients used in products such as EnzoFX3 or EnzoFX with enzogenol. This helps you put an end to fine lines and wrinkles.  Simultaneously, you also get to rule out the after effects of growing old. This fills up your gaunt-looking face. As you age, you lose the baby fat, and you get thinner and paler once you’ve past the age of 40. Your doctor helps you attain glowing skin by filling up the hollowed corners and adding some color to your skin.

No matter what procedure you choose, post care is just as crucial. 

You need to slather on medication and stay out of the sun as much as possible. The UVA rays are your skin’s enemy, and as fun as it is to lie under the heat of the sun, you pay the price for it in the end. Ask your doctor what is best for you and make sure that you follow the strict instructions.

While you can never stop the clock from ticking, you can definitely slow down the effects of time on your face with basic skin care.

Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

When Liposuctions Become Risky


Beauty and glamour seem to be synonymous with cosmetic surgeries. 

Women feel as if they get back their self-confidence once they work on the things they’re not happy about. Hollywood plays a big role when it comes to belief. A countless amount of celebrities have undergone slight and even drastic changes just so they meet the criteria for beauty. Of course, you also hear about the botched procedures that many have experienced.  Instead of looking better, they now suffer the ill-effects of careless surgeries and getting the services of unskilled surgeons. As the number of patients surge, it is now imperative to talk about the risks of liposuction.

As with any procedure, there are dangers attached to it. 

Both men and women go under the knife thinking that they’ll look better. There are many experts out there that make claims of being capable of doing such a tough job. Some of them really do have the skill, but others are just out there to make money. They don’t even have the proper papers to back them up, but still, many seek out their services for the cheaper cost.

There are several things you need to take into consideration before you even give that go signal. When the liposuction procedure is cheaper than the norm, you need to see this as a red signal. Most of the time, it’s because these people aren’t trained properly. You may have spent less, but the scars you’ll carry could affect your self-esteem. If you’re lucky, you can get corrective surgery done, but that will definitely cost you more. In the end, you should have spent more on a trained expert and saved thousands of dollars in the long run.

While liposuction works on toning certain areas, you need to make sure when to have enough of it. 

In other words, you shouldn’t become too greedy. A healthy lifestyle is still the best answer, and the liposuction is only there to augment what you’ve already worked so hard for. There are still parts in your body that remain stubborn despite all the work you do for it, and you simply need some extra assistance so you attain that balance you desire. And as soon as you’ve gotten through with the procedure, you need to reach a resolution that allows you to maintain or improve your current figure.

Without the proper instruments, your skin could look lumpy and uneven, and this makes the affected area unsightly. 

And when done haphazardly, the pain and discomfort could take so much from you. Of course there will be some tenderness right after surgery, but if you still feel something even after several weeks, then it’s time that you pay a visit to your doctor. Your skin might also be slightly itchy, and to take of yourself, it’s best that you stay indoors. Most importantly, your doctor needs to make sure that you won’t have an allergic reaction to the anesthesia. You’ll have to go through a series of physical and psychological tests to ensure your wellbeing in the long run. When done properly, the liposuction could be the best decision you’ve ever made.

With this, it’s best that you set aside more money and come out of the experience feeling better than ever.


Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.





Monday, May 24, 2010

Making Facelifts Look Natural


Facelifts can be tricky. 

Some women become addicted to it and they end up looking like wax figures. That’s one thing you need to avoid because the goal should be to look good without looking like you’ve worked hard for it.

Right now, it is imperative that you understand just exactly what is involved. 

You need to understand your face and what you can expect in the end. The results will vary, of course, because the anatomy will differ from one person to the next. What are your goals? What do you expect from it? Are you ready for the recuperation period? You need to ask yourself these questions so you can work in collaboration with your doctor and get what you want in the end. Of course, you need to gauge the reliability of your expectations because you aren’t going to look completely different. And when you do get too much done, you will lose that genuineness of your look.

The plastic surgeon has to be skillful enough to know when to stop pulling your skin toward your ears. 

As simple as this may sound, experience plays a big part. Get someone who knows the procedure very well. When you get the doctor who knows his job, you can also ask for pictures of some of their previous works. You can see how the operations went and what these patients had to say about everything. A perfect technique would be for the surgeon to balance the changes so they are able to tighten the tissues underneath and on the skin. If everything is done haphazardly, you may end up with a distorted looking earlobe, and when people look at you, they will immediately be able to tell if you recently had an operation. While there’s nothing wrong with opting for plastic surgery, some may be uncomfortable to talk about it. If you’re trying to avoid the questions yourself, you need to make sure that the scars will be almost, if not completely, invisible.

What your doctor needs to do is position the suture strategically around the earlobe. 

And to limit your risks, you may opt for limiting the incision. Or, the cut can be made behind the earlobe. However, your choice may also depend on how your features are placed. Nonetheless, you can always revise the scar later on so that people won’t be able to see the scars. Moreover, strategy plays a big role here, which is why you need a talented surgeon. Your doctor may be required to change the direction and angle of the cut so that your hair can cover the scar.

Whatever method you choose, you should go through every detail with your doctor. 

He or she should be open to discussions so you will fill at ease with your choice. But here’s a piece of good news you can appreciate: as facelift procedures become commonplace, the telltale signs of a facelift won’t be an issue. Your cosmetic surgeon can control the outcome.

And all you need to do is choose someone who has the right credentials.


Learn how to do a face lift without surgery at Enzo Vitality proud distributors of EnzoFX3 the 6 minute facelift and EnzoFX both with Enzogenol.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Solutions for Softer Skin


Fresh-looking, spotless, and satin-smooth skin are the benefits of exfoliating regularly. 

The question now is, do you really know what you need? Here’s a simple guide to help you should you decide to either do it yourself or pay your dermatologist a visit.

For oily skin: You need to use peels twice a week and exfoliating cleansers every other day. Frequent scrubbing can increase oil production, which in turn, increases breakouts. Look for products that have salicylic and glycolic acid, which slough off the upper layer of your skin cells, dislodge acne-causing grime, and dry up oil. Your doctor should also make use of a cocktail of exfoliators that help boost skin’s natural turnover process, making it appear more relaxed and radiant.

For normal or combination skin: You need to exfoliate two or three times a week, and don’t go over that. Daily scrubbing can turn your calm complexion into a raging mess. As for the products that you get, look for naturally derived acids like alpha hydroxyl which is from sugar cane, lactic from milk, malic from apples, citric from oranges, or tartaric from grapes. These gently dissolve the bonds between dead skin cells so they can easily come off. Cleansers with natural ingredients make gentle exfoliants that help even skin out and give you a healthy glow. These also should renew and revitalize dull and dry skin making it smoother, firmer, and brighter.

For dry skin: You can only pick one flake-removing option. You either scrub or mask, and you should only do this once a week. If you do it more often, you run the risk of sending precious oils down the drain. Use products with micro-beads made of wax or jojoba. Avoid, at all costs, almond shells and apricot kernels because these may irritate and scrape your skin. If you use the ones with ultra gentle oxygenated derma beads and those with water-retaining ingredients, you reenergize and rejuvenate your dry skin. It helps to throw vitamin E into the equation because this has moisturizing properties.

For sensitive skin: By nature, exfoliators cause irritation, so it’s best that you use a night treatment once a week and scrub only every other week so you can avoid increasing your skin’s sensitivity. Look for mild products like gentle chemical peels containing retinol, salicylic acid, or soft scrubbing beads coupled with a soothing hydrating ingredient like allantoin. These should gently slough away pallid skin to allow a luminous one to resurface.  Plus, if it contains retinoic acid, you’ll be able to lessen the appearance of fine lines and visible signs of sun damage.

Your skin sheds dead skin cells on its own. In fact, you can shed about 600,000 skin cells in just an hour’s time. If you add that up, that’s a whopping 1.5 pounds on a yearly basis. Of course, you can still need the help of an expert so you can enjoy best results.

There’s nothing like the help of someone who truly knows what your skin needs.

Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Direct Neck Lifts


Older men and women may have done everything to care for their face. 

This is actually the easy part because beauty centers offer a multitude of procedures that address the problem of aging. But what about the neck area? This has proven to be such a dilemma for older people. As you get past the age of 60, you’ll feel a waddle just below your chin. This could even extend all the way to your neck, and if you look closely, it’s not a very pretty site. It gets more pronounced as the years progress.

While neck lifts are performed by many able surgeons all over the world, the procedure can actually be very expensive. 

Many people just have no means to pay for this type of surgery. And medically speaking, some of them may not be capable of handling the after effects. Rather than sulking, you can look for other options, and one could be what doctors call the direct neck lift. Technically, this is a reverse modification of a facelift. And it’s a lot simpler to perform.

Traditionally, neck lifts are done by working the skin out towards the ear area. That’s why scars are often found around the edges of the ears after. With this newer type of procedure, the excess skin and fat is removed down from the middle of the neck. You may worry about scarring since it is done at a spot where people see it, but you’ll only see the marks from under the chin down to the middle of the neck. For the men, it ends where the Adam’s apple if found. It is considered to be a rather simple procedure, and only a local anesthetic is required.

After the treatment, you’ll only see a light hint of swelling and bruising. 

It requires virtually no after care. In fact, you can enjoy all the activities you’re into soon after. Nonetheless, you’ll see a vast improvement with how you look. There will be a dramatic change because you will no longer see that bothersome waddle. In just one hour, you’ll have the neck of a younger person. You should realize that not everyone is viable to this form of solution. There will be a scar in the middle of your neck, and if you have a problem in that area, you should opt for the traditional method.


Men often make the best candidates because the marks are easily covered with a beard. If you’re very concerned about people noticing the change, especially when you’re a woman, you can scratch this off your list. You need to get past the scar because you won’t require your body to deal with the usual type of pain and discomfort. Think about it thoroughly and see if you’re strong enough to handle the scarring. Aside from that, you won’t need to deal with the other issues, and that may even be better for you. In reality, you shouldn’t concern yourself too much because the benefits far outweigh the cost.

It’s nothing that a simple concealer can’t handle.

Learn more about skin care and enzogenol at LifeFX Global and try EnxoFX and EnxoFX3 Anti-Aging Products.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Perfect Candidate for a Tummy Tuck


Tummy tuck surgeries are so common nowadays.

Cosmetic surgeons must have done the procedure dozens of times, and because scientists are continually working to improve the technology, these are far safer than they were back then. This is also otherwise known as an abdominoplasty. Sometimes, this may be your only option to get that flat stomach. Of course, you have to consider several factors before you decide to dive right in and go for it. You need to ensure your safety before anything, and it starts with getting the right doctor, one who has the license and is more than capable of performing the operation.


You may need to consult the surgeon before you make the decision. 

It helps to feel comfortable with the person who is about to open you up. Ask as many questions and go through the steps meticulously. That way, you get a clear picture of what to expect. Evidently, you need to know if you make a good candidate. Are you capable of handling the responsibilities that come right after? Do you have unrealistic expectations? Whatever type of procedure you choose, you need to realize that you aren’t going to look completely different. Yes, there are definite changes and improvements, but to get that perfect figure, you need more than just a tummy tuck. Instead, you need to consider a healthy lifestyle. This is permanent, and something that maintains the work that you’ve done.

Your doctor will want to meet you more than once. 

If you have it in your head that you’re going to have a perfect ten body, you may want to rewire your mind. You will definitely be disappointed in the end because health comes into play after. Contrary to what many people think, tummy tuck surgery won’t make you lighter. If you’re stomach is particularly larger than usual, you won’t see it as flat as an iron board after. Yes, you will look trimmer, but the outcome will depend on how much was removed. And, you won’t see the scales go down dramatically. If losing weight is really your goal, a gastric bypass may come to play, but that also depends on how much overweight you are.


After a tummy tuck, you need to be careful about getting pregnant. 

If you plan to have a family, the procedure can be done after. Any weight gain will cause you stomach to expand, and that just makes the surgery moot. Moreover, your surgeon will remove excess skin, and if you get pregnant, you will not have the extra skin necessary to stretch. As a result, you get an excessive amount of stretch marks, and that is a different problem altogether.


Knowing what to expect makes you the perfect candidate. 

You save so much time and money when you have everything planned out. Consider the things mentioned above and write down your options. While it’s alright to do what you can to make your body as beautiful as possible, proper care must be done in every step of the way.

At the end, you will not only be happier with the results, but you also won’t live with regret.

Tags:  Perfect Candidate for a Tummy Tuck


Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Eyelid Lifts

They say your eyes are the windows to your soul. 

This is what people first notice about you, and when you’re not happy with the skin around it, you will end up with a long list of insecurities. How your eyelids look will contribute a lot to your appearance. And as you get older, gravity takes its toll on your body, even your face. The upper eyelids start to sag as you age, and unlike surgery, no amount of exercise can change it.

Eyelid lift surgery, otherwise known as Blepharoplasty, is one way to solve your problems with droopy eyelids. It removes bulging fat pockets and makes the skin around your eyes firmer. Aside from looking better, the whole procedure comes with other benefits. When eyelids sag, your vision could be impaired. The doctor simply makes small incisions that serve as openings from which fat can be removed. The fatty deposits are sucked in a very fine needle with a hollow opening at the very center. Because this treatment is done on the face, your doctor has to be careful with the scars the wounds could create. These incisions are hidden in the crease found in your upper eyelid. As the wounds heal, the scars disappear and the marks are almost invisible.

Some pain is involved in Blepharoplasty.

To ease the discomfort the doctor can either give you either general or local anesthesia. It takes an hour or so to complete the procedure, but this also depends on the extent of the work that needs to be done. As with most forms of surgery, you can expect some bruising, tenderness, and swelling, but these are all temporary. For better results, eyelid lift can be performed in conjunction with a facelift or a brow lift. It does entail some form of sacrifice from your end, but the benefits you’ll reap are more than worth it. But to maximize your experience, you need to make sure that you go to a licensed practitioner who should be more than willing to answer all your concerns and questions. When you have all the details you need, you may not feel as much trepidation. Ask all that you can and don’t be scared to be overly cautious.

Get a new lease on life and feel better than ever. 

When there is something about your face that you’re not happy with, you can have a lot of issues and feel more insecure. Plastic surgery helps you regain the self-esteem that you’ve lost. And as much as you live a healthy life, eat properly, and exercise as much as you can, you may need more than just a nudge. Time has made itself visible on your face. To remove creases and wrinkles, you need to make an incision in specific areas. Only experts know this, and when you’ve sought help from the right person, every investment you’ve made will be worth it. It’s time to remove those unwanted years and see the world from a whole new light.

Sometimes, a little tweak is all you need.

Learn more about skin care at Enzo Vitality proud distributors of EnzoFX3 and EnzoFX.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Before Going Under the Knife

There’s no way you can stop Father Time from knocking on your door.

While lines and wrinkles appear on your face, you panic and run to the nearest drugstore or beauty shop in the hopes that you may find a cure. If you want a quick fix, the best option for you would be plastic surgery. Yes, you do have to go under the knife, and yes, there may be some pain involved. It’s okay to feel reluctant about it. After all, how many horror stories have you heard? Instead of getting the chills and quaking in your boots, you should know that plastic surgery is actually a very safe procedure so long as you go to a legitimate and experienced surgeon. 

Before you make the decision to have some work done on your face or on any part of your body, there are a few things you can do to ease your frayed nerves. First, you need to consult with the expert. When you meet your doctor, you need to feel immediately at ease. Take this opportunity to ask all the questions brewing in your mind. If he is the professional that he says he is, he will answer all of them to your satisfaction. He may even require you to seek for a second opinion just so you know what your options are. Go ahead and talk to someone else. If their views coincide, then you know what needs to be done.

Then, look for flyers and packets available in the clinic.

These things will contain important information, and when you can compare them with one another, it’ll be much easier for you to weigh the pros and cons. On this piece of paper, you should see crucial information relating to your plastic surgeon, the office address and hours, and policies. You can look further to see if you have the list of facilities available. You should be able to research these things online and see the best technology is available. Read and understand everything written so you’ll know what to be watchful for. 

Your surgeon goes through a thorough examination before you check yourself in.

The goal is to find out about your history and to see if you’re allergic to any form of medication. You may be injected with anesthesia, and if you get any adverse reactions to it, you could risk a lot. Now, surgeons are also able to show you the before and after photos. This has proven to be a plus for most patients because the end-product always strengthens their decision to push through. Be open about suggestions because they definitely know more than you do. If you don’t agree with something, you can always discuss other options that you’re both comfortable with.

So, before you even go under the knife, you already know the results to what you’re getting into. Always check your facts and don’t hesitate to ask about your doctor’s background. Ask around for recommendation and be one of the many success stories.

Plastic surgery can be a rewarding experience so long as you’re always careful.

Tags:  GBG EnzoFX EnzoFX3 Enzogenol


Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Luminous Skin for Life

Applying sunscreen can be annoying, but you also need to protect your complexion.

If you go to the beach, you’ll see that lots of people have their heads buried in the sand. A lot of adults neglect to wear sunscreen, despite the abundance of information about how damaging the sun’s rays can be. To do your part in reducing the number of irresponsible people, you need to know the solutions to your gripes.

First, a lot of brands out there leave behind a white film on your skin.

You shouldn’t have to make yourself look like a vampire to enjoy a day at the beach. But no matter how hard you rub, it’s tough to get rid of that nasty white SPF residue. The mask effect is caused by physical (as opposed to chemical) blocks such as titanium dioxide, and to a much lesser extent, zinc oxide. These re ingredients that reflect light as they sit on the surface of the skin, creating a bluish cast. The simple solution would be to try a quick-absorbing block with chemical ingredients that sink into your skin instead of staying on it. Luckily, these mega protectors have now been approved. You can also avoid the Casper the friendly ghost look with a translucent stick or gel that will absorb instantly.

There are also brands that make your skin break out.

One major reason for religious sunscreen use is to maintain pristine complexion even as you age. But often the faithful get punished with a constellation of pimples, thanks to irritating, oil-encouraging chemical ingredients. To keep skin clear and protected, use a sunscreen formula that is free of oils and fragrances, is hypoallergenic and noncomedogenic. And always be sure to wash your face before slathering anything on it. Look for very small amounts of zinc or titanium because they play nice with sensitive skin, and if they’re available in small doses, they won’t make you look like a corpse. Another way to battle blemishes is to stash a pack of pimple-fighting facial cleansing wipes in your bag. Periodically removing sweat from the skin helps decrease bacterial growth. Just don’t forget to reapply soon after that. When you get home, do your usual cleansing routine.

Then, there are also those that feel heavy under your makeup.

UVA rays penetrate deep into the dermis, causing damage that can take years to show up. These come in the form of wrinkles, brown spots, and worse, skin cancer. They’re seriously dangerous and they’re sneaky as well. Wearing SPF every single day should be SOP for you. Luckily, many makeup companies now make SPF-enhanced foundations and powders, but they don’t provide enough protection alone. The problem is that you have to use a really thick layer over your face, and that’s just not realistic, nor would it be attractive. To avoid this, put a moisturizer that contains a broad spectrum of sunscreen and one that’s at least 30.

If you’re favorite brand doesn’t qualify, mix your regular product with your foundation because this can already act as an extra layer of protection.

Tags:  GBG  EnzoFX EnzoFX3



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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Medical Breakthroughs

As you’ve passed your 30’s, you’ll notice that staying healthy may now pose new challenges.

This is the time to inhale and exhale properly. A breathing technique used in yoga can lower your blood pressure. When you practice alternate-nostril breathing for four rounds of seven and a half minutes, your systolic and diastolic blood pressure could drop significantly. This happens because each nostril holds nerves that reach different areas of the hypothalamus, and a part of the brain that regulates blood pressure. When the nerves are stimulated separately, this important area of your brain is activated.

To do this, hold your right nostril closed and inhale through the left. Then, close the left nostril and exhale through the right, then inhale through it. Close the right and exhale through the left. This makes one round. Do nine rounds for at least twice a day.

It’s also crucial that you take care of your bones.

Bone density may be determined in the gut. A group of researchers have made a study on mice. What they did was remove a serotonin-producing gene from their small intestines. After that, they discovered that bone mass actually decreased by about 40 percent. Known for its role in regulating mood and sleep, some serotonin is made in the gut and circulates in the blood. When it reaches the bone, it signals bone-forming cells to stop multiplying. Blocking a gene that controls its synthesis may help increase bone mass. The great news for those who are worried about the disease is that this finding is the start of new osteoporosis drugs that boost bone density.

Of course, along with the territory of the older generation is the amount of prescription drugs you may have to take.

Avoid medical mishaps at all cost by checking your prescriptions. Ask your doctor to provide you with your prescription’s name, dosage, and frequency. When you pick up your meds, compare the information that you have to the label. When you go to the hospital, make sure that you get help from a staff who isn’t too exhausted. When hospital employees work more than eight hours, patient infections are more likely. Before scheduling procedures, call the director of nursing and find out the hour limit per nurse. Never hesitate to ask questions, especially where your health is concerned. By developing a close bond with your doctor, you actually allow him to get deeper into the findings of your tests.

Plus, scientists have actually discovered that taking ibuprofen or aspirin for your headache may help protect you against breast cancer.

So, the next time you feel pain, take one of these. You could actually benefit a lot from them in the long run. Moreover, always make sure you update yourself with the most recent discoveries. Experts are constantly at work so that people can overcome health problems quickly and efficiently. When you know what the latest studies are, you can talk to your doctor more in detail.

That way, should you feel something, you have an idea of what to do.

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Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.


Sexy Arms for the Older You

Many women give up their sleeveless and strapless tops when they get older because of the way their arms age with them.

Admittedly, dresses look sexier when your arms are bared. To avoid this problems and still enjoy every article of clothing you still own, there are moves that will banish upper body jiggle. Bring on the tank tops and feel good about your body once again. Tone your triceps and shape your shoulders with the perfect exercise. Complete at least two sets of each move twice a week so that come the next event, athletes won’t be the only ones with gorgeous arms.

The first move you can do is the standing V-raise.

This works on your shoulders. The first thing you can do is grab a five- to eight-pound dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With arms straight but not locked, raise the weights in a V shape until your arms are parallel to the floor. Hold the position for a second, then return to your starting position. Do 12 to 15 reps of this. If you arch your back or swing the dumbbells for momentum, use less weight.

The next move you can do is the shoulder press.

This works, as the name indicates, on your shoulders, upper back, and biceps. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart once again and knees slightly bent. Hold the dumbbells just above your shoulders, palms facing each other. Bring the weights up until your arms are straight over your head. Hold it up for only a second and then take three seconds to lower the dumbbells back to start. Do at least six to eight reps of this.

Lastly, you can do the renegade move.

This works on your core, shoulders, upper back, biceps, and triceps. Grab the dumbbells and get into the top of a pushup position with your hands on the weights and your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Bend your right arm and raise the dumbbell to chest level, pressing the left one onto the floor for better balance. Then, lower the weight to the floor, then repeat the move on the left side. That makes one rep and you can do six to eight more of this. Just make sure to brace your abs so your body doesn’t shift or twist during the row.

To make your exercise more effective, be careful with what you put in your mouth during mealtimes. Don’t depend on protein bars too much because there are healthier options for you. Whole foods like nuts and fruits are way better. Because they’re not processed, they have more nutrients in them and your body has to work harder to break them down. Thus, you feel more satisfied for a longer period of time. But in a pinch, a protein bar can tide you over until your next meal.

Just make sure these have no unhealthy hydrogenated oils, at least ten grams of protein, and less than ten grams of sugar.

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Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Regaining Your Youth Through Sleep

No, you’re not dreaming.

It really is possible to get moisturized skin, glossy hair, and fresh look while you snooze. People underestimate the importance of getting enough Zzz’s as they get too caught up with life. Well, take some time off and feel better with enough downtime.

Sleep gives you a chance to med stressed-out skin.

Sleep time is optimum for cellular repair because there are more hours for products to sink in and fewer environmental stressors to prevent absorption. If you have dry to normal skin, after cleansing, apply a dime-sized blob of petroleum jelly to slightly damp skin. Rub in it until it becomes less greasy. This should happen in less than 30 seconds. The petrolatum creates a seal, so moisture penetrates and plumps skin rather than evaporates. If you’re worried about making your oily skin worse, opt for a serum that’s non-comedogenic to keep from clogging pores. It’s better that you get a product that comes with skin strengthening peptides as well such as EnzoFX3 from LifeFX Global,

To deflate your puffy, tired eyes, there’s also something you can do.

To awaken looking rested, treat eyes before you hit between the sheets with a generous dose of caffeine-packed eye cream. There are tons of products to choose from, so you won’t have a problem buying one for yourself. Because the cream isn’t topped by eye makeup, it can easily seep into the skin to tighten and reduce bloating. Next, elevate your head with a couple of pillows before you fall asleep to prevent fluids from building up under the eyes.

If you’re puffiness is caused by allergies as opposed to lack of sleep, consult your doctor about taking an antihistamine because this could help drain the excess fluids that build up on your face. If you still have bags in the morning, do a facial massage around the eyes to stimulate blood flow and take down any swelling. In fact, you can exercise your entire face and stretch the muscles so that your skin looks firmer and suppler. These wonderful workout routines are available on the net, and all you need to do is download the instructions.

As for your hair, you can change drab into dazzling.

Use your downtime to get less frizzy hair with an ultra-conditioning mask. Look for products that say ‘overnight’ on the label. They are less messy than the ones that you put in the shower. Apply this to hair that’s been towel dried it will slide off if your strands are still wet. Then, help the mask penetrate your roots by covering it with a shower cap. The heat from your scalp will encourage oils to absorb into hair and it can be likened to getting a salon treatment for eight hours in a row. When you wake up, skip the shampoo and conditioner and simply rinse. This is taking the phrase ‘rise and shine’ to a whole new plane.

Try these little tricks and feel better about yourself in no time at all. After all, to look good, you need to work at it. But what you’ll get from it will surely make it worth the effort.

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