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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Making the Right Decisions

Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.


Before you make any major decisions in your life, it is important to think things through.

However, there is such a thing as being too careful. You need to know when to hold back and when to step forward. But whatever the case may be, regret is the last thing you want. People make mistakes, and with each one, you learn something new. As long as you did things with nothing but good intentions, you must bring yourself to come to terms with the repercussions. And whatever it may be, never leave things up to chance. Fate may play a big part in your life, but you can also control how things turn out. It can be dangerous to make a major life-changing choice based on what destiny instructs you to do. While it’s definitely fun to let these things influence small decisions, the bigger stuff should not be left up to the stars. Most people who do this live with regrets in their life.

It is also necessary to blow off bullies who are pressuring you. When grappling with a decision, it can be easy to be swayed in one direction by someone who has self-serving motives. These can be the salespeople nagging you with the product that you’re thinking of purchasing or with parents who are pressuring you to work for a certain company you just don’t like. Distance yourself from the person or people pressuring you while you sort out your thoughts. If that’s simply not possible, pretend you’re advising a friend on the matter, which will help you act more logically and guilt-free.

Also, consider the long-term consequences.

Some decisions make short-term sense, but in the long run can actually be disastrous. Similarly, doing certain things can feel right at that moment, but some of these toxic behaviors can actually have serious health ramifications. A good rule of thumb: play out each possible scenario in your mind and consider the effects it will have on your health, on someone else’s feelings, on your financial future, or even your career. Mull things over before you even start to make that very controversial move.

Keep in mind that you can’t always use the past to predict the future, though the situations may be similar in so many ways. It’s important not to rely simply on experience, especially when the choice you are about to make will seriously affect the life that you lead. In the rapidly changing world, people actually recommend assessing each new opportunity with a fresh and unbiased mindset. What might have been a shrewd move years before could wreak havoc on your life today. So, sleep on it and don’t just do this for only one night. Unconscious deliberations, this involves getting some shut-eye, can help you analyze your options and come to an intelligent conclusion, which is why people will often tell you to wait until you get to sleep.

However, belaboring over a decision for too long means you aren’t comfortable with any of the choices you have before you and you need to consider the alternatives.

Tags:  making the right decisions


Learn more about your Body, Mind and Spirit with Viva Vitality brought to you GBG Vitality.



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